Monday, November 9, 2009

Updating My Blog

I am coming to a closing on my graduation project. This project has become a big part of my life. I am doing the best that I can to make my project the best that it can be. I made up some ideas for my action plan, but i dont know. I have to really take it one day at a time and come to school on time

Friday, September 4, 2009

Senior Year

It's now senior year and I dont even know where to begin. I have so much work ahead of me and I am worrying that Im not going to get everything done in enough time. Im thinking that if I just stay focused and try not to get so frustrated I will be able to get somethings done. Right now I am trying to find something else to do for my graduation project because I missed out on an opportunity this summer. Once I get back on track with my project and my mind is focused I will be ok.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

After the interview

I went to interview the man from One Vision One Life, Mr. El Gray. He gave me a lot of information that became very useful. Some of his responses answered some of my foundation questions. Once I came back and started to put the information into my notes, I noticed that i didn't have information about some of my other questions so I had to do more research.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Creating interview questions

I am starting to create my interview questions for One Vision One Life. I want to schedule an interview with them sometime in the next week or so.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Action Plan 2

Once I contacted One Vision One Life they gave me some really great ideas for my action plan. They have Summer Programs that start on July 5th and they suggested that I shadow the prgram leader so that I could see what they do. They go around to 3 different neighborhoods: South Side, the Hill, and the North Side and they plant and clean. I am really excited about this action plan and I have a really great feeling about this.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Action Plan

Im continuing the research and thinking about an action plan. I don't know exactly what I want to do as my action plan but I have alot of ideas. I think that once I get in contact with One Vision One Life, they could give me some ideas for what I should do for my action plan.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Did you know?

31 homicides in the county
17 in the city
90 homicides this year
120 in 2008
Pittsburgh has increased in homicides while other cities have decrease
65 of the cities murders; black
56 black males
81% involved firearms
2008 was the bloodiest year since 1993
Police recovered 551 firearms; 608 were recovered in 2007

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Key Terms

As I have been giving you an update on what I have been doing, I have noticed some words that I think you would be interested in knowing the correct terms for. Some of these words you may already know, but a lot of them I was really interested in.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 2

It is now week two of my research on Street Violence. So far I have not found much but the little that I have found has become useful. As I been researching I noticed that some of the websites that I looked up were not giving me enough information, so I started to get more descriptive. Once I did that I started to find more information about my topic.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First-time Blogging

Recently I have heard a lot of talk about Graduation Projects at City High. I know some of the requirements but not all. I dont know a lot of the seniors now or the previous seniors so I am not able to provide any examples of what I have seen. I would like for my project to be on Street Violence in Pittsburgh. I have been doing research on this topic since the 9th grade, so I would like to continue that research. Since I have been working on this topic for a while now, I think my concerns about this project are limited. I feel very confident about my topic so as I continue my research I will make sure to give an update on how its going.